Get all the key phrases you need to know for your basic needs while traveling in Spain: basic conversation, medical issues, restaurant and dining, shopping, and travel. No matter what kind of learning you prefer, you can get it all in this handy resource.

Spanish is a Romance language of the Indo-European language family that evolved from colloquial Latin spoken in the Iberian Peninsula of Europe. Today, it is a global language with more than 500 million native speakers, mainly in the Americas and Spain. Spanish is the official language of 20 countries.
Certainly! Here are some useful Spanish and English travel phrases that can come in handy when traveling to Spanish-speaking countries:
Basic Phrases:
- Hello (English: Spanish):
- ¡Hola!
- Good morning:
- Buenos días
- Good afternoon:
- Buenas tardes
- Good evening/night:
- Buenas noches
- Please:
- Por favor
- Thank you:
- Gracias
- Yes:
- Sí
- No:
- No
- Excuse me / Sorry:
- Perdón / Lo siento
- I don’t understand:
- No entiendo
Getting Around:
- Where is…? (English: Spanish):
- ¿Dónde está…?
- How much does this cost?
- ¿Cuánto cuesta esto?
- Can you help me?
- ¿Puede ayudarme?
- I need a taxi:
- Necesito un taxi
- Airport:
- Aeropuerto
- Bus station:
- Estación de autobuses
- Train station:
- Estación de trenes
Eating Out:
- I’d like to order… (English: Spanish):
- Me gustaría ordenar…
- Menu:
- Menú
- Water:
- Agua
- Food:
- Comida
- Check, please:
- La cuenta, por favor
- Hotel (English: Spanish):
- Hotel
- Reservation:
- Reserva
- Room:
- Habitación
- Key:
- Llave
- Help:
- Ayuda
- I need a doctor:
- Necesito un médico
- Police:
- Policía
- I’m lost:
- Estoy perdido/a
- How much is this? (English: Spanish):
- ¿Cuánto cuesta esto?
- I would like to buy…:
- Me gustaría comprar…
- Can you give me a discount?
- ¿Me puede hacer un descuento?
- 1 (uno):
- One
- 2 (dos):
- Two
- 3 (tres):
- Three
- 10 (diez):
- Ten
- 20 (veinte):
- Twenty
- 100 (cien):
- One hundred
- 1000 (mil):
- One thousand
These phrases should help you navigate various situations while traveling in Spanish-speaking countries. It’s also a good idea to have a translation app or phrasebook handy for more specific or complex interactions.